Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Money Tree And Babies Fruit Flies In My Money Tree?

Fruit flies in my money tree? - money tree and babies

I have a money tree in a pot. Today I saw a lot of fruit flies for errors, and when I saw that I had a lot of little yellow dots on the move (I believe that mistakes have baby?) How long can I kill them? I have a parrot, so I can not spray any type of pesticide. This would be the removal of topsoil or the realization of work in the cold for 1 night? I can not let the flies in my house, the meal can be on my parrot and give him a parasite. Furthermore, does not contain on one of my 6 other plants.


obe said...

Your money tree has a fungus on the floor thats attract these creatures.

You can try to spray in your pocket from what described by the other answers, or you can repot the tree into a new container with the new earth.

If you decide to replant, you do it outside sure that the tube all the dirt from the roots base before returning to their pot. (basically, everything we see, the root system once) cut the pipe.

Vernal H said...

Place in a plastic bag, spray fly spray around the bag with a twist tie and leave it there all night.

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