Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Trader 65 -tarquin I Was Given A Phalaenopsis To Care For , Two Days After Bringing It Home Buds Dropped Off And Now?

I was given a phalaenopsis to care for , two days after bringing it home buds dropped off and now? - trader 65 -tarquin

The 3 flowers are pale. I followed the instructions of Trader Joe cellophane: Temperature: Day 65-85 F, 55-70 nights
Light: Moderate, 79-80% shade, no direct sun, fertilize twice a month (only) since last Sunday. medium heat we had here in Southern California and I lost power for 24 hours, a transformer exploded in the heat in the house was over 100 degrees, which could be the culprit, there is hope?


Cindy B said...

So, could the high temperature of the perpetrators, especially when the air is dry, not wet.

You should water every day, this orchid (make sure the evacuation of water) can be when times are high. A window of the East in the bathroom or kitchen would be ideal. If you want to increase the humidity around the orchid, you can always one or two glasses of water nearby. Remember, these plants at home a grove of "rain".

Good luck!

Joanne A. said...

Blessed be! Yes, I am sure that is the problem, apart from moving from one house to another. Be sure to inform the owner of the power outage. I went back into the compost until it again.

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